Tuesday 6 November 2012

Daily Blog Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night

5th November 2012

Rather than taking the children out this year, I thought I would do something a little different from what we would normally do.

My Husband was working unfortunately, So I decided to have ago at making a fire in our Chiminea which was a lot harder than I thought.
After a lot of false starts we finally got the fire going.
It was so cosy around the fire with our sparklers, Pie and peas, Hot Dogs and Parkin & Custard for desert, Utterly stuffed!.

Here are some pictures that were only taken on my phone

Toasting Marsh mellows on the fire

Jumbo American Marsh mellows melt in the mouth

The Sparklers had turned into a  fire blowing  activity

I think he was trying to guide in Areoplanes

Happy around our little garden fire

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