Wednesday 26 December 2012

Cinderalla - The Rock 'n' Roll Panto Review City Varieties Leeds


 The Rock 'n' Roll Panto 

If you fancy a Pantomime with a twist then Cinderella the Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto is for you.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto is in Town this Christmas until Sunday 13th January at the stunning City Varieties Theatre.

I was expecting to turn up and watch a traditional Pantomime with my son Jake 10, so I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to be seeing the Cinderella story but with a modern and fun twist.

Just try and imagine a pantomime mixed with a Motown concert, hard I know but this is the wonderfully unexpected treat the Rock ‘n’ Roll panto offers.

The music is a huge part of the show and really gets the whole audience rocking in the aisles - regardless of age.

Cinderella played by the very talented Katie Elin-Salt plays a funky, cool 21st century Cinderella and Baron Hard-up played by Christopher Fry was hilarious throwing pun after pun at the audience.

Everyone on stage could not only act and sing but also played various musical instruments and very well I might add.

It was amazing to watch such talent and the audience young and old were all joining in with the songs.

Whilst this was very much a Panto for the kids, there were enough innuendos and jokes in the script to keep the adults highly amused as well. I haven’t laughed or sung along so much in years.

It was a real treat for me to see my son having such a great time and laughing at jokes that to my horror I didn’t think he would understand and yet having such an entertaining evening myself, this is something that you very rarely find and the cast nailed this perfectly.

Defiantly in my opinion a must see for all the family and I cannot wait to see Next year’s performance.

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