Monday 17 December 2012

Design your own original Skylanders character

Here is my Skylander I designed, I hope you like it as much as I do!

Here are the Stats and my Picture for my Skylander :

Name:  Blood hound  'Burn the night' Undead element'

base ability's: death chomp press first attack to chomp away press first attack ,first attack, first attack for a deathly combo
secondary: horn charge press secondary attack to dash at your enemy's


Dragons flight: press third attack to fly increasing speed and armour

Devils armour: added armour gives increased defences

Death slash: death chomp and horn charge have increased power.

Grand chomp: hold first attack to unleash a giant chomp


Path 1:CHOMPIE! CHOMPIE! upgrades Blood hounds chomping ability's

Chompin combos press first,first,second for leaping chomp press first,first,third for burning chomp

vampiric chomp: chomping your opponent heals you

ultimate chomp Deathly chomp dose MAXIMUM DAMAGE

path 2:Charge on!upgrades blood hounds charging ability's

grasping charge:charge grabs enemy's and continuously hurts them    speed:40

super charge:charge lasts longer

omega charge:charge dose MAXIMUM DAMAGE

Soul gem: blazing flight, flying into opponents burns them 

My Skylanders stats:

Critical hit 110
Defense 110
Elemental power 40
Speed 30

The Back Story 

one day ghost roaster and whirlwind were taking a stroll when ghost roaster accidently took whirlwind into the underworld and as they were walking through the underworld a shadow;which looked much like whirlwind formed behind them.A little later a ghost attacked when whirlwind the shadow struck the ghost down.At the end of the journey ghost roaster and whirlwind told master Eon about the incident and granted
the shadow the title of 'skylanders and called him blood hound.He continues to protect skylands even to this day.

By Jake Marsden-Hirst age 10 and a half

Thank You For taking the time to view your comments would be appreciated. 

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