Monday 6 August 2012

Eisberg Alcohol free Chardonnay Review

I like the odd glass of wine on a weekend, when the girls come over or just after a stressful day at work.
Recently I took some medication that ruled out having any alcohol altogether, so no more cheeky glasses of chardonnay for me.
I did find it pretty hard (old habits die hard) so when I discovered Eisberg Alcohol free Chardonnay          I was overjoyed and a little dubious as it looked so much like wine but would it taste the same?
I was pleasantry surprised granted it wasn’t identical but the nearest you are going to get.
It really had a Moorish taste and tricked your brain into thinking you were having the real thing.
The chardonnay or any non-alcoholic wine from the range would be fantastic for pregnant mums to be who are missing the odd glass of wine and also great for breast feeding mums.
If anyone else has tried it let us all know your thoughts

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