Saturday 12 January 2013



It’s what we all have been waiting for.... Skylanders meets Mega Bloks, What a Fantastic Combination!

I have been having loads of fun with the two items I received from Mega Bloks to review.
I received a Troll Mech ambush Set and a panoramic giants puzzle.

First up The Troll Mech Ambush set comes with a build-able walker with working launcher and completely build-able Tree Rex RRP £19.99, Which my mum says is really good value for the size of the figures once they were built, she was happily surprised.


I had a lot of fun assembling this toy with my dad in the Christmas holidays although it was really frustrating as he kept trying to take over, the big kid in him was creeping out so I had to politely remind him who was the child!

As a Lego fan I was dubious about building with Mega Bloks but was really happy and pleasantly surprised how sturdy the figures were once built and you actually could play with the figures without them falling apart and loosing pieces under the sofa and having to re-build them all over again.

I am desperate for more sets so I can add them to my Troll Mech ambush Set, Top of my list is the Crusher’s Pirate Quest with Crusher & Cynder and my dream item is the Mega Bloks Skylanders Dark Castle Conquest but this is £99.99 and it would take me months of spending money and doing jobs before I could buy this, Great though if you have some Christmas money to spend.

I loved the Mega Bloks Troll Ambush set so much that my mum and dad bought me the Mega Bloks Skylanders Ultimate Battle Arcade and some Battle Portals to go with the set.

The Ultimate Battle Arcade has a 5-in-1 play pattern and costs £39.99 and you can collect Battle Portals which cost £9.99 each so I can save my pocket money up to collect them all.

I only wish I lived in America as they have an exclusive Battle Portal there which you can only get from Walmart, Why don’t we have any exclusives here in the United Kingdom? 

Finally is the panoramic Skylanders giant’s puzzle which contains 150 pieces. This puzzle features Swarm Tree Rex and Bouncer in all their glory! My mum helped me with this and I really did need it as this is a pretty hard puzzle to complete in fact we had a puzzling time figuring this one morning during the Christmas holidays!

 We enjoyed doing the puzzle just got a little frustrated towards the end after we knocked it and had to put it back together again No!!!

My mum says this would make a great Birthday gift if any of my friends have a party and it is great value for money at only £6.99.

 Many Thanks to Mega Bloks for allowing me to Review these Awesome Toys!
The entire collection of Mega Bloks Skylanders Giants sets can be combined and played with together. To learn more, sign up and visit

I have decided to run a Skylanders themed give-away and the best part is the prize depends on YOU!

25 comments = small prize
50 comments = medium prize
75 comments = Large Prize
100 comments giant prize (Giant........)

Each comment must be made by a different user and we will only be giving the prize for the amount of comments gained and you have one month to do so, Please get commenting!

Until my next review and Thanks Mum for offering me a prize to give away for this review!

     Jake (Age 10)


  1. Awesome! I'm 12, from the Uk. I love MB SG, and I recently got Troll mech, Crusher's pirate quest and Arkeyan Copter Attack! I hope to collect all the sets too!

    1. Hi
      i hope you get all the sets i collect all the normal skylanders and as long as your passionate about them you'll find a way to get them all
      Keep an eye out for the Dark Castle Conquest set for when it comes to us however its $120.00 dollars in america.
      hope to see you again
      Jake :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Also there's a toysrus near me so I might go shopping 2morrow...

  4. Hey! I hope you find a set which you want and might not have yet when you go shopping tomorrow. If you get anything please let me know I would love to hear. Jake:)

  5. This is great! I'm not so up on all the cool toys out there but this blog has really helped me for picking out presents for my nephews birthday! Keep it up and have fun :)
